Terms and conditions 2023-2024
The site accessible at www.colosseum.rome-tickets.org (hereinafter, the “Website” or the “Web”) belong to the company , with Tax ID No.
, registered at Calle Balmes nº 32, Principal 2ª, Post Code 08007, Barcelona (Spain), registered at the Companies House of (Barcelona) under Volume 47314, Page 29 (hereinafter, the “Holder”), and email address for communication purposes: [email protected].
For clarification purposes, the Holder hereby states the following: (i) That the Website is not an official platform for the sale of tickets to the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo (hereinfater, “Colosseum”), but rather that it provides a purely administrative service of management, advice, processing, monitoring and customer service, for the purchase of tickets to access the Colosseum through the corresponding voluntary, express, special and remunerated mandate; and (ii) That there is no legal relationship whatsoever with the Colosseum or with any of its authorised distributors.
The hereby terms and conditions (hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions“) are intended to expressly regulate the conditions applicable to the contracting process carried out by the users of the Website (hereinafter, the “User” or the “Users” as appropriate) of the service offered by the Holder through its Website.
These Terms and Conditions shall remain in force and shall be valid for as long as they are accessible through the Website, without prejudice to the fact that the Holder reserves the right to modify them, without prior notice, as well as any of the legal texts that are displayed on the Website. In any case, access to the Website after its modification, inclusion and/or replacement, implies the acceptance thereof by the User.
The User is subject to the Terms and Conditions in force at all times when performing the corresponding purchase, and it is not possible to purchase a service without prior acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The temporary validity of the Terms and Conditions coincides with the time they are displayed, until such time as they are totally or partially modified. Any new Terms and Conditions shall be applicable from the moment they are made available to the User and are fully accessible.
All service purchases made through the Website shall be considered to have been validly made by the User and shall be binding.
The electronic purchase process through the Website shall be carried out between the User and the Holder. Likewise, consumers who are natural persons resident within the EU, who are of legal age and have a tax address in the EU and accept these Terms and Conditions shall be considered as Users of the Website. The contracting of the service through the Website by minors, users who are not legally resident in the EU or by users who do not meet the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions is expressly prohibited. Furthermore, the contracting of the service through the Website by a minor shall be understood to be carried out under the supervision and authorisation of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
Through the Website, the Holder provides Users with a purely administrative service of management, advice, processing, monitoring and customer service, consisting of the purchase of tickets to access the Colosseum monument through the corresponding voluntary, express, special and remunerated mandate in the terms set out below. For the purposes of clarification, it should be noted that the Holder does not sell or resell the tickets to the Colosseum, nor does it provide the User with an electronic sales service for them, as the Holder does not acquire the Colosseum tickets to then resell them to the User, but rather acquires them as the User’s agent through the corresponding voluntary, express, special and remunerated mandate, the commercial activity of the Holder being limited to the provision of a management and customer service.
In addition, the service provided by the Holder has an extensive added value that is based on all of the following:
- The Holder provides the User with a free prior consultation service, prior to purchasing. Thus, if the User wishes to obtain any type of information regarding Colosseum entry tickets, prior advice will be supplied by e-mail free of charge.
- The Holder will verify that the data entered by the User on the corresponding form are in line with the service purchased. If necessary, the Holder will contact the User to verify them before starting the entrusted management. This verification includes checking the data as well as the existence of spelling or typographical errors.
- The Holder provides a customised service.
- The Holder has extensive experience in the pertaining field, which implies that he/she is available and has sufficient and adequate means to achieve the success of the contracted service.
- The Holder is liable for the correct execution of the task entrusted, thereby ensuring that it fully meets the needs of the User, and therefore maintains an express and clear commitment regarding the delivery date of the Colosseum tickets.
- The Holder, in addition to carrying out the entrusted task efficiently and diligently, provides the User with a 24/7 customer service.
- The Holder, unlike what happens when a person purchases tickets to access Colosseum at an official or authorised establishment, does guarantee the User the right of withdrawal under the terms established in stipulation 9 of these Terms and Conditions.By contracting the services offered by the Owner through the Website, the User confers a voluntary, express, special, remunerated and representative mandate for the entrusted management consisting of the purchase of tickets to the Monument, in the terms regulated in articles 1.709 to 1.739 of the Spanish Civil Code (hereinafter, the “Mandate”). In turn, the Website Owner accepts the Mandate and undertakes to execute it. For clarification purposes, the remuneration of the Mandate consists of a consideration for the provision of the mediation service.”
All information relating to the service offered by the Holder is published on the Website, indicating the following:
- Name of the service requested.
- Information about tickets to the Colosseum (location, opening and closing times, requirements for access to the site, etc.).
- Personal details to be entered by the User on the corresponding form.
- Price of the service contracted.
- Delivery period.
Once the User has selected the service offered by the Holder, the User must follow the phases of the contracting process indicated below:
Phase 1: Selection of day, time and number of tickets: The User must select the day and time on which he/she wishes the tickets to the Colosseum to be valid, and the number of tickets.
Phase 2: Data entry: Once the User has completed the selection referred to in Phase 1 above, the required fields on the corresponding form must be filled in, i.e. name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, number of adults over the age of 30 years, postcode, ID number, and nationality.
Phase 3: Completion of the application: Once the User has completed the form referred to in Phase 2 above, he/she must accept the Terms and Conditions and validate the contract by clicking on the boxes provided for this purpose. At this stage, the total price of the service contracted will appear on the screen. In the event that the User does not expressly accept the Terms and Conditions by ticking the corresponding box, the Website will not allow the purchasing process to continue.
Phase 4: Payment of the total amount: The User, after checking the order form shown in Phase 3 above, must click on the “submit” button, and will be automatically redirected to the online payment platform of the corresponding bank.
Phase 5: Purchase Confirmation: Once the User has effectively paid for the service, the Holder will send a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address supplied by the User with a summary of all the information of the task entrusted, and subsequently, a second e-mail in which the tickets to the Colosseum will be attached. In this regard, the first confirmation e-mail will be considered as proof of payment. Likewise, by accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User accepts to receive an electronic invoice for the services contracted and therefore, the Holder reserves the right to request the invoice on behalf of the User to the company, entity or institution that owns and/or manages the Monument. Notwithstanding the above, should the User wish to receive a hard copy of the invoice (on paper), he/she must send an e-mail to the following address: [email protected].
Note: Due to limited availability, it is possible that the time slot chosen for your visit may vary by up to 90 minutes.
The price shown on the Website applies exclusively to the service offered through this channel and during the time it remains published.
The price of the service is always shown in euros and includes VAT, as well as any other applicable tax in force and legally applicable at that time.
In the event that the Holder identifies an obvious error in the price of the service offered on the Website, it will immediately inform the User, and will publish the correction on the Website, whereby the User will have the option to reconfirm the contract at the correct price or, failing that, cancel it at no cost.
The Holder expressly reserves the right to modify the price of the service offered at any time, without prior notice. However, in any case, the price shown on the Website at the time of contracting the service shall apply.
In order to proceed with the payment, the User must follow the instructions provided in Phase 4 of the electronic contracting process described above.
The means of payment provided by the Holder are subject to checks and authorisations by the entities issuing the means of payment (card issuers and/or payment account issuers). Should said entity not authorise the payment, the contracting procedure initiated may not continue and will be automatically cancelled, and the service contracted shall be understood not to have been carried out.
The charge for the price of the service, as well as any applicable taxes, will only be made at the time of submitting the request.
For electronic payments, the Holder uses an e-commerce payment gateway provided by banks authorised to do so. All data provided to the Holder are duly encrypted to ensure maximum security and confidentiality and are hosted on a secure server certified according to the “Secure Socket Layer” (SSL) protocol, so that the Holder never receives the User’s credit card number and has no possibility of storing it for subsequent charges.
Under no circumstances will the Holder store credit card details provided by Users through the payment gateway, and they will only be kept while the service is being contracted, the payment is made and until the withdrawal period has elapsed, in order to be able to return the corresponding economic amounts to the User.
In the event that the User decides to cancel the contract for the provision of services in accordance with the provisions of Articles 102 and concordant articles of Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (hereinafter, the “TRLGDCU”), the Holder hereby informs the User that this right may be exercised within fourteen (14) calendar days from the effective contracting of the service, i.e., once the payment has effectively been made in accordance with the provisions of the previous clause 6.2.
The User may exercise their right of withdrawal by contacting the Holder’s Customer Service Department, by sending their request to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Once the request has been received, the Holder’s customer service department will send an e-mail indicating the procedure to be followed and providing the withdrawal form referred to in section h) of article 60.2 of the TRLGDCU, and section j) of article 97 of the TRLGDCU.
Once the request is received, the Holder will proceed to its study and assessment, and will respond to the User within a maximum period of 48 working hours. It should be noted that the study and assessment of the appropriateness of the refund will be strictly linked to the cancellation and refund policy of the monument in question, the function of the Holder being to provide a mediation service to the recipient of the tickets. In accordance with the above, the User grants the Holder the mandate to claim the refund of the price of the tickets from the seller as a consequence of the withdrawal to which he/she is entitled, and therefore the Holder is authorized to act and appear before the seller of the tickets in the name and on behalf of the User to request the aforementioned refund.
If, in accordance with the policy of the monument, the request should be accepted, the Holder will proceed to refund the amount corresponding to the price of the ticket within 14 calendar days from the date on which the User has effectively and unequivocally communicated to the User the decision to withdraw from the contract for the provision of services by the User.
However, if within this period the User has not received the refund, you should contact the Holder by sending an email to the address: [email protected] as sometimes, for technical reasons, the aforementioned period of fourteen (14) calendar days may be delayed up to ninety (90) days due to the processing of charges by banks and their payment gateways.
Finally, in the event that the User wishes to modify the day and/or time of the date of validity of the tickets to the Monument, he/she should contact the Holder by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected], indicating his/her reference number and the intended change. The Holder will only be able to modify the day and/or time related to the date of validity of the tickets to the Monument when the conditions of the contract applicable in each case allow it, so each request will be subject to a previous study by the Holder and all subject to the policy of changes established by the Monument.
Any query, suggestion, complaint, or claim relating to the electronic contracting of the service offered by the Holder on the Website can be made through our customer service department, whose contact details are as follows:
- E-mail: [email protected].
- Registered address: Calle Balmes nº 32, Principal 2ª, 08007, Barcelona (Spain).
The documents resulting from the task entrusted by the User to the Holder will be sent to the email address provided by the User as soon as possible.
If, after a reasonable period of time, the User has not received the corresponding documents, the Holder must be contacted by sending an e-mail indicating their full name and ID number to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
The Holder cannot guarantee the technical continuity of the Website, the absence of errors or interruptions in the service or that the Website will be available or accessible one hundred percent of the time. Nor can it guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful components on the Website or on the server from which it is provided.
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, and in the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, all personal data provided during the use of the Website will be treated pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
These Terms and Conditions have been made available to the User in advance, in accordance with current legislation. Likewise, the Holder makes these Terms and Conditions available to the User, so that they can be stored and reproduced, thus complying with the legal duty of prior information.
The Holder reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and layout of the Website, its functionalities and the contents incorporated therein.
If any of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions were to be declared totally or partially null or void, such nullity or voidness shall only affect such provision or the part thereof that is null or void, and the Terms and Conditions shall remain in force in all other respects, and such provision or the part thereof that is affected shall be deemed not to be in force. For these purposes, the Terms and Conditions shall only cease to be valid regarding the invalid or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision thereof shall be annulled, invalidated, impaired or affected by such invalidity or voidness, unless it is essential to affect the Terms and Conditions in its entirety. In these cases, the clause or clauses affected shall be replaced by another or others that have the most similar effects to those of the clauses replaced.
The headings or titles used in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and in no way affect the meaning of the provisions to which they refer.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish common law and, unless otherwise provided for in the applicable regulations (including consumer and user regulations), any dispute shall be submitted by the parties to the judges and courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain).
Likewise, pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, on the settlement of consumer disputes online and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, the Holder hereby makes the following link available to the Users of the Website: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Through this link, Users of the Website may access the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR). In the event that the User has had a problem with the provision of an online service, this means may be used to submit any complaint regarding the said provision of services, as well as to request an out-of-court settlement of the dispute that has arisen.
Likewise, if the User wishes to file complaints regarding the use of the services provided on the Website by the Holder, the User may contact the electronic or physical address supplied in section 1 above (“HOLDER’S IDENTIFICATION DETAILS”) by mail, and the Holder undertakes to seek an amicable solution to the conflict at all times.